Back Pain
Back pain is a common symptom that affects 60 to 80% of people at some point in their lives. It can happen to people of any age, however, reported disability from back pain has increased significantly in the last 30 years.
Back pain can range from a muscle aching to a shooting, burning or stabbing sensation. In addition, the ache may radiate down one's leg or worsen with bending, twisting, lifting, standing or walking.
Causes Of Backpain:
Postural - Following wrong posture over a period of time and lack of physical exercise causes the load on your spine and weakens the tissues of your back. As a result, the network of muscles, discs, and joints in your back tend to be pushed beyond their tolerable limit, causing pain and inflammation..
Overuse of muscles - Heavy workout sessions or long durations of physical work will lead to acute back pain. During heavy workout sessions, there is a lack of oxygen supply to tissues/muscles (anaerobic respiration) accumulation of the lactic acid and other metabolites in the muscles.
Strain or sprain - Strains and sprains are the most common causes of back pain, especially in the lower back. A strain is the wear and tear of muscle or tendon (which connects muscles to bones), while a sprain is a tear of a ligament (which connects bones in a joint).
The pain can range from mild to severe and is often described as an "all over pain" that moves into the buttocks. It tends to worsen with movement and improve with rest. Along with pain, muscle stiffness, muscle spasms, and a reduced range of motion are common complaints.
Stenosis - As you get older, the spinal canal, which contains the spinal cord, can get narrower. This is referred to as spinal stenosis. Spinal arthritis can also cause an overgrowth of bone within the canal.
If your spinal canal becomes too tight and compressed nerves, you can feel shooting pains in your lower back and buttock, muscle weakness, numbness, and tingling.
Compression - A pinched or compressed nerve in the cervical spine can give you a stiff neck, and the pain and numbness can affect the shoulder and arm. A pinched lumbar nerve in the lower back can cause pain in your back, hips, buttocks and legs.
Excess weight - Excess body weight puts a lot of stress on your back while doing your daily activities which leads to the wearing of tissues in the back.
Most common back pain Issues include:
Arthritis of spine
Cervical or Lumbar spondylosis
Bulged disc
Cervical Spondylitis
Mechanical Injuries
Ruptured Disc
Symptoms Of Back Pain:
The pain often goes away without treatment, but if the symptoms persist for a long time you must seek help. Following are the common symptoms of back pain
Inflammation or swelling on the back
Persistent back pain where lying down or resting does not help
Pain radiating to legs
Urinary Incontinence
Loss of control over bowel movements
Numbness around the buttocks
At Bodhsara we have multiple natural remedies to fix most of the back pain issues naturally and effectively.
Many people who have chronic low back pain find acupuncture to be helpful. Acupuncture for back pain involves inserting very thin needles to various depths into specific points on your body. The research on acupuncture is growing and most studies indicate that acupuncture helps in reducing pain, relieving muscle stiffness (muscle relaxant) and easing inflammation with no risk of side effects. But it has side benefits of improving sleep, boosting immunity and rejuvenating the whole body.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Cupping is an alternative therapy which is conventionally used to ease the pain. Suction during cupping draws fluid into the local area, expands and increases circulation to tiny blood vessels (capillaries) under the skin. Your body treats the cupping area like an injury. The therapy improves blood flow to the affected area to stimulate the natural healing process and eases the entire back.
In the far infrared sauna, the heat waves can penetrate your body tissues without heating up the air which makes it unique from the traditional saunas. In the sauna chamber blood vessels dilate, and blood flow increases which will relieve muscle tension and reduce soreness or stiffness that aids in muscle relaxation. Also elimination of toxins from the body with the combined effect of heat helps significantly in reducing pain.
Book a free doctor's consultation to find out how we can help you ease your back pain.
Disclaimer: The content should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. No express or implied guarantee of results is made. If you are currently being treated by a physician or other healthcare practitioner for any condition or disease, please consult with that provider prior to changing or modifying any treatment program.