Pranic Healing: An Esoteric Healing For Mind & Body

The pranic treatment uses an energy-based detoxification process to purge toxic emotions and feelings. We experience a wide range of emotions and feelings on a daily basis, many of which, if not handled properly, could be detrimental to our health. The tiny irritations we encounter during everyday activities like commuting, working, interacting with family and friends, and wallowing in personal indulgences have the potential to become ingrained over time and remain locked there.

Have you ever tried to determine where your emotional triggers come from? Wouldn't it be better to leave this place lighter than carrying about heavy memories of all kinds?

Over time, any unresolved or painful memories manifest as physical ailments. Typically, we cure the body of the physical ailment while ignoring the cause.

Different types of emotions are stored in different places in our physical bodies.

As shown in the illustration, any physical condition in a particular body area can be linked to the stuck energy there, and the ailment is treated when the stuck energy is released.

After attempting several forms of treatment, an interesting instance of neck pain came to us. The person was resistant to receiving treatment, but our patron underwent the Pranic healing procedure when we advised it. And came to see how, over time, the stress from the workplace had accumulated in the neck and shoulder, resulting in a persistent headache, rounded shoulders, and poor sleep. When they finally understood what was happening, the customer changed and adopted a pain-free neck and shoulder alignment. In addition to the previously mentioned release, the client also felt the release of other pent-up emotions.

It could be time for some pranic healing if you're suffering from similar problems too!
Schedule your appointment immediately, and let's begin your very happy healing…


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