

You've probably heard of fasting, but do you know how to fast properly?

Fasting is the deliberate withdrawal from any food—solid or liquid—required for digestion for a specific cause and period, excluding water. It includes complete physical, physiological, sensory, and mental relaxation. Fasting might last anywhere from a day to a week, depending on the severity of the illness.

To maintain good health, one must follow the fasting practise.

Follow these steps:

·       Fasting must start with a mono-diet regimen consisting mostly of one grain, such as wheat, rice, grains, cereals, etc.

·       The mono-diet is subsequently replaced with a juice diet consisting of a variety of juices, ranging from apple to sapota juice.

·       After that, a water therapy regimen of approximately 7-8 glasses per day is implemented.

·       If you are a fitness enthusiast, a few yoga postures such as Padmasana, Veerasana, Sukhasana, Shavasana, Makarasana, Pavanamuktasana, Ustrasana, Vajrasana, Garudasana, and Pranayamas will help you balance your exercise regimen. These asanas also have a profound effect on the mind body, resulting in a mental detox as well.

·       During the middle days of the therapy, one must fast on lemon-honey or water, then break their fast with heavier juices, mono diet, and soft/bland foods.

Fasting is the most effective detoxification procedure for everyone who has the willpower and self-control to do so.

Naturopathy can solve any health problem by using fasting, dieting, natural element treatments, yogic practises, and lifestyle changes.

Do you live in Bangalore, India, and need some advice? Feel free to contact to us at +91 7760581777 We will do our best to help you out.


Naturopathy: A holistic approach that works in tandem with conventional medicine!


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